6 Moving Essentials That Will Make Your Life Easier

Here at the Viktoria moving blog we usually produce long-form posts, but this week we thought we’d spice it up a bit with a fun list breaking down all of the essentials that can get through a move unscathed. Make sure to never forget these essential items during your next house move, they’ve saved our lives over here at Viktoria Movers more than once…


  1. Comfy shoes

Despite what you may think, one of the most important aspects of your move is comfort, not only will having comfortable shoes allow you to keep up with the moving process for hours on end, it will also prevent you from making mistakes and possibly getting hurt.

  1. A Dolly

This is an investment that will be invaluable to you, especially if you are committed to moving on your own without the assistance of a service. A dolly will help you manoeuvre objects that you would ordinarily never be able to carry by yourself. A dolly does not have to be restricted to the moving process either, you can use it in the future to transport anything you want. Truly an essential.

  1. Access To A Phone

One of the most challenging things about moving your belongings is that the process is almost always time sensitive, whether you have a limited time off work or are paying for your moving truck by the hour, you’re always under a deadline. A phone will allow you to contact any parties you may need to extend your deadlines, or allow you to contact a friend or family member in the event of an emergency.

  1. Tarps and a Waterproof Rain Jacket

The weather’s tendency to change at a moments notice can create a number of challenges that will directly effect your move. Not only can inclement weather make your move take much longer than you anticipate, it can cause you to make mistakes which put both your belongings and safety at risk, this is why it’s important to take every precaution necessary. Some good tarps will do wonders to protect your valued belongings and a good rain jacket will keep you going throughout the big day.

  1. Coffee

It can be easy to get burnt out on moving, you often have to wake up early to get everything organized and you don’t stop moving until late at night. Coffee can be a lifesaver in keeping the move on track, or if you don’t drink coffee, grab an energy drink!

  1. Access to a Car

No matter how you choose to move, whether it be by a hired moving service or by a rented van, it’s still always handy to have a quick, reliable form of transportation handy. Moving house isn’t always just about transporting your belongings from one place to another, there are often extra supplies you have to grab and errands you have to run in order to get everything completed under your time constraints. A car is an excellent tool to have throughout the big day.


Whilst this is a fun little guide to essential items you shouldn’t leave at home, we have plenty of other, far more detailed articles on our various other blogs about the moving process. Don’t forget to check us out whenever you are approaching a big move, and if you live in Calgary, Toronto or Halifax we urge you to explore Viktoria Movers Services, our customer service is second to none.




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